Most Pure Heart of Mary Schola Cantorum

The Most Pure Heart of Mary Schola Cantorum, founded in 2011, forms the nucleus of the Catholic Academy, and consists of a boy’s choir and a girl’s choir, together comprised of 35 children, who rotate singing for the 9:30 AM Holy Mass every Sunday at Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church (Topeka) from September through mid-June. Choristers also sing Choral Vespers Tuesday through Friday during school term.

Autumn 2023 Classes:

Boys: Tuesday/Thursday, 3:15—5:15 PM (September 5—December 14)

Girls: Wednesday/Friday, 3:15—5:15 PM (September 6—December 15)

Children generally enter the choir in the 3rd or 4th grades as Probationers and receive a thorough grounding in voice training and music theory before officially becoming choristers. They continue to receive voice training and music theory throughout all of their years in choir (as Junior and then Senior Choristers), albeit integrated into daily rehearsals. A number of choristers have gone on to become leaders in the field of sacred music.

In 2016 the choir traveled to Rome at the invitation of the Vatican’s Foundation for the Sacred Arts and Music to sing for the 1st Children’s Festival for Epiphany. The choir’s yearly Festival of Lessons and Carols is also a favorite of all those who attend.

Please contact Dr. Lucas Tappan if your child is interested in joining the Most Pure Heart of Mary Schola Cantorum.

Chorister fees are currently $150 per child.