MPHM Choir Camp

Choir camp is required this year for all choristers, new and old. Starting this year there will be a $15 dollar fee per child (up to three children) for the week, and each chorister needs to bring a 1-inch, completely black binder. If your child(ren) have any conflicts with the below schedule, or you need to discuss…

Requiem Mass for All Souls

The combined choirs of the Catholic Academy of Sacred Music join the Choir of Our Lady of Good Counsel to sing Gabriel Fauré's beautiful setting of the Requiem Mass duing Holy Mass on the Feast of All Souls.

24th Annual Festival of Lessons & Carols

Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church 3601 SW 17th St, Topeka, KS, United States

Familiar scripture readings & time-honored carols from the Old Testament foretelling of the Savior to the birth of Jesus Christ. A freewill offering will be collected to further the ministry of the MPHM Schola Cantorum.

The Catholic Academy of Sacred Music in Concert (April)

Hal Gober Opus 5 at Holy Angels. Join us for an afternoon of sacred music, choral and organ, at Holy Angels Catholic Church in Basehor, KS, on Sunday, April 21, at 3 PM, featuring the students and teachers of the Academy, including several up-and-coming young organists. This event is free and open to the public.…

Requiem Mass for All Souls

The combined choirs of the Catholic Academy of Sacred Music join the Choir of Our Lady of Good Counsel to sing Maurice Duruflé beautiful setting of the Requiem Mass during Holy Mass on the Feast of All Souls.

25th Annual Festival of Lessons & Carols

Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic Church 3601 SW 17th St, Topeka, KS, United States

Silver Jubilee Celebration of familiar scripture readings & time-honored carols from the Old Testament foretelling of the Savior to the birth of Jesus Christ. A freewill offering will be collected to further the ministry of the Catholic Academy of Sacred Music.